On Belief Systems
Why do temples across the world seem distinct despite serving the same function?

Jay Gadekar
1 March 2024
We can learn from history that settlements which discovered agriculture sooner expanded quickly and ultimately established civilizations. Why? When procuring food for ten could be done just by one person, the other nine delved into mastering other aspects of society like animal husbandry, mining, astrology, defence, pottery, etc. Also, the geographical locations of these early civilizations led to a distinct set of beliefs. For example, the Nile river being predictable for its annual floods was perceived differently by the Egyptians than the turbulent and unpredictable Tigris by the Sumerians.
Such belief systems affected every aspect of life building up unique cultures. Available natural resources defined limitations so trade flourished. From barter, civilizations started trading in coin. With time, distinct cultures merged as territories were annexed and then lost. Civilizations just like organisms kept evolving complexity.
I have always admired how different civilizations had original solutions to their needs. Chinese, Greek or Dravidian architecture might have certain similarities but were original solutions to their civilizations’ needs. Even when certain civilizations had similar resources at their disposal, art, architecture, and languages were still distinct.
A belief system is the canvas for creation while resources merely define limitations. Without a belief system, there can be no originality. Without originality of thought, there is no innovation. I believe this is the first step to building world-class.